Monday, October 11, 2021

Goodbye Louie

1989 - Trenton, Illinois 

Small town public pool. 

 I arrived for work as a lifeguard to find the pool manager skimming the pool for leaves etc.  He says "hey, you want a turtle?  There is one swimming in the pool".   Naive 18 year old Krista thinks, awww poor thing.  It's going to die after swimming in chlorine.   She takes the turtle home to help keep comfortable until the inevitable would surely happen.   Flash forward 32 years.  Many moves (including putting this turtle in a mayonnaise jar to fly to Seattle in 1990) and many life events later, Louie comes back in to my life for a short time.  It was obvious she was suffering from what I'm told was likely septicemia and organ failure.  An amazing reptile vet spoke softly to me as I cried, knowing it was time to say good-bye.  At her age and  stage of illness, it wouldn't have been ethical to try treatment.  That would likely prolong the suffering.  

On October 5th, 2021, I said goodbye to my aquatic friend for 32 years. 

 Four years ago a nurse friend mentioned her 3 boys wanted a turtle.  I thought what a perfect answer to the challenge of taking care of her while I went through some life changes.  They had her for 3 years, then let a family with 3 girls watch her up until the point she came home.  The last family said they did not want to have her any longer.  That sounds harsh, but I think they knew she was sick and didn't know what to do.  In general, I don't think she had proper care in her last year of life, but will never know and hold no grudges.  I'm immensely grateful she came back to me for that brief time.  

I got to say goodbye. It seemed fitting.  

It's silly that a reptile can find a way in to ones heart.  She traveled many miles with me over the years.  It feels like the end of an era.

Goodbye Louie.  If reptiles go to the same place my sweet Demeter and Joey are, I know you're living your best life.  

๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒˆ

⭐ Her last few minutes with me ⭐

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