Glorious day! High of 68 degrees (unofficially, according to the thermometer in our car) and sun sun sun. Windows finally got opened (and some of them washed because e-gads winter was hard on those windows). Played outside all day. Garden got planted. Just a good day.
Also, in case I ever doubted this fact - it really is a bad idea to give kids sugar for breakfast/before breakfast. My adorable, sweet, kind boy turned into a sugar ogre for most of the day. Darn near unbearable mood. Kathryn, also very much out of sorts, got put in her room at 10:30 in the morning, just for a small chill out session. Next thing I know she is quiet & found her asleep. She napped for 2 hours, and was a delight the rest of the day. Tonight, both kids in bed by 7 and asleep by 7:01.
The Mom & Dad are exhausted.

1 comment:
that dress is sooooooo cute on K!
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