Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Meet Scratchy

This is Scratchy.
I am not kidding on the name, either. Kathryn named it.
I thought I was brilliant when I gave her a cloth diaper to use as her security blanket. I could interchange it with a variety of cloth diapers so it would not get ratty/dirty. Two different cloth diapers got in the mix. The one pictures and another thicker/blueish one. The cloth diaper in the picture is her all time favorite. Where did Scratchy get it's name? Not sure, really. Possibly because it has pill'd up in some areas and she rubs her face in the cloth diapers when she is really tired. She would say. "I want the scratchy one". And now Scratchy is a big part of day to day life. I hope it lasts as long as she needs it to last.
The kids do Quiet Time, every day. Kathryn usually naps, Ryan plays. It's in their rooms, and expected they stay quiet. Last week, told Kathryn it was time for quiet time to start. . . she falls on the ground sobbing. "I don't want quiet time!!! I want to nap!!!" LOL, by all means NAP!
One day she wanted a bed on the floor, and by golly she napped there! And baby girls first hair cut. A big day for her (and me)! She looks so preschool-ish in this picture. Toddler hood will soon be behind us. And Ryan. Being the good big brother and playing while Kathryn got her hair cut.

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