Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Ryan!

Happy Birthday my sweet boy - my how you have grown.
Let me recap your last few months.
You finished your first year of school - a 3 day a week preschool.  You loved it and are super excited to attend kindergarten this fall.  Bicycle riding has become a passion and once the time changed with day light savings, you and Dad go out almost every evening to ride.  Your scooter is a close second passion.
I think you have grown at least 3 inches this year.  You're an amazing eater with one of your favorite dishes a green salad.  You've turned in to a bit of a night owl.  Bedtime has moved to 8 pm now that you're 6 years old.  However, I cannot think of the last time you were actually asleep at or near 8 pm.  You're up, in your room, reading, playing, or trying to sneak out and catch some TV without your Mom and Dad noticing.  We're on to you there buddy.  : )
Today, as you were eating your lunch - you chose Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, with frozen vegetables mixed in, I asked you a few questions.
I prefaced each question with what's your favorite. . . .?

1. Color?  Red
2. Food? Dad's fried rice
3. Dessert?  Mom's chocolate cake
4. TV show?  Octonaughts
5. Book?  "Jack and Annie"  AKA The Magic Tree House books
6. Person?  Cooper (neighbor friend)
7. Animal? T-Rex
8. Place to go?  Bouncy house
9. Sport?  Baseball
10.  Thing to do?  Swing
11. Toy?  Auntie's Batman Joker Ship
12. Game?  Candyland
13. Vacation?  Portland - for the marathon
14. Family member?  PAPA!
15. Advice for other 6 year olds? Don't litter.
16. Flower?  (This was his suggestions to add this) Hydrangea
17. Vegetable? Carrots.  "But I HATE lima beans"
 18. Fruit? Apple    "And I hate oranges!"

There ya have it.  You're a joy to parent Ryan and a true blessing to have as my boy.
Much love,

1 comment:

Trinkly said...

Love! Such sweet memories :)